Hope this finds you well, it has been a manic week and just wanted to send you this note of our sincere appreciation for your wonderful delivering of the funeral mass  last week. While you didn’t know her the most important thing for us was a tranquil respectful funeral mass which you conducted exactly as she would have wanted. Both my wife and myself spent the previous 48 hours organizing the funeral and trying to insure we gave her a farewell tribute she deserved.
While we only had a brief encounter last week it was also a very important one for us and the extended family and again very much appreciate all that you did for us last week.
Kind Regards
J and M

Hi Hugh,

Just wanted to say a huge thank you from myself and my Dad,  for the fantastic job you did on Thursday at the Funeral Service service for K. It was so personal and a perfect celebration of his life. Everyone who was there on Thursday has said the same. I know none of that would have been possible without you and your understanding and your guidance, so really thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Hopefully we’ll meet again, but in happier circumstances.
Take care,
  From all the Family

 Hi Hugh, On behalf of dad and our entire family I want to thank you for all your help in putting together dads service. I think he would be happy and proud and we couldn’t have done it without your help. I can also tell you everyone we spoke to said that your words, tone and thoughts made a huge difference and you are top of their list, hopefully not anytime soon:-), when the time comes. Thanks again and all the best. A.

Hi Hugh On behalf of Mam,my sister & I, just wanted to send a short note of thanks to you for leading Dad's service last Friday. We have received hugely positive feedback from those who attended - many saying that it celebrated Dad's life perfectly, gave a true sense of the person he was and that it was just the kind of service they would like when their time comes. Thank you for helping us with the preparation for the service and for delivering it in such a heartfelt way. We are so grateful that we have many many amazing memories of our times with Dad and we wish you and your family a great Christmas. Remember to make some special memories together. Kind regards T.


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